Administrare cookie-uri


Pentru a putea răspunde la solicitările trimise prin intermediul formularelor de contact, pentru a înregistra programări online, pentru personalizarea preferințelor, pentru îmbunătățirea experienței tale pe site și pentru a asigura funcționalități adiționale, este absolut necesar să colectăm câteva date personale. Vizitatorul nu este obligat să ne furnizeze date personale, dar acest refuz ne pune în imposibilitatea de a-l contacta. Toate

Cookies administration

In order to respond to requests sent via contact forms, to register online appointments, customize preferences, improve your site experience and provide additional functionality, it is absolutely necessary to collect some personal data. The visitor is not obliged to provide us with personal data, but this refusal makes it impossible for him / her to contact. All information recorded on this site is used by us only and is not disclosed to any third party.

What is a cookie and what is it used for?

Our website uses cookie technology to provide you with a better, personalized web service. The data stored by the cookies used on our Website never reveals personal details on which an individual identity can be established.

A cookie is a small text file that is stored and / or read by your web browser on the hard drive of your final device (for example, a computer, laptop or smartphone) depending on which websites Visit them. Cookies also make your interaction with safer and faster websites, as they can remember your preferences (for example, authentication, language) by sending the information they contain back to the site a first-party cookie or a third-party cookie when you visit the website again using the same end-device.

How to control cookies

You can withdraw your consent to cookies at any time. To do this, you can block or remove cookies either through your web browser settings or by using third-party software, or by following the instructions for the cookie categories in the following sections. In any case, you may experience problems with using certain parts of your website if you disable cookies. If you want to remove the cookies stored on your devices and configure your web browser to refuse cookies, you can use the preferences settings in your web browser. Typically, you can find cookie navigation settings in the “Options”, “Tools” or “Preferences” menus in the web browser you use to access our site. Depending on existing web browsers, various means can be used to disable cookies.

To get more information, please visit your browsers website: