Welcome to
Favorit Dental Clinic
Favorit Dental Clinic
Passion for
Excellence in Dentistry!
Favorit Dental Clinic – a modern dental clinic in Bucharest
Welcome to Favorit Dental Clinic!
Our dental clinic combines state-of-the-art dental equipment with a relaxed and modern atmosphere and a team of experienced doctors, who are ready to treat any dental problems you might suffer from!
Because we understand that fear is one of the main reasons why patients often postpone a visit to the dentist, our team pays close attention to the comfort of each patient during dental treatments.
We are ready to welcome you to Favorit Dental Clinic in Bucharest, in the Favorit area of Drumul Taberei, where we can offer you a complete range of high quality dental treatments!
Passion for
in Dentistry!
Book online a visit
and you will be rewarded with 25% of the consultation price!
Dental services
Are you uncomfortable with how your teeth look like? Do you suffer from dental problems? Do you feel embarrassed every time you smile? Are you afraid to go to the dentist? We are ready to treat any dental issue that has been bothering you! Here is the full range of dental treatments that our team uses to give you a beautiful and radiant smile!

We prevent the appearance of dental diseases or complications from pre-existing illnesses.
Read moreOur great team
What our patients said about us
This clinic excels itself with it’s high levels of expertise and services available and passed GCR international accreditation because of this.
Recomand tuturor celor ce au probleme dentare sa deschidă usa cabinetului,pe lângă profesionalism găsești aici,omenie,înțelegere,umor,sa nici nu simți durerea. Recomand!!!
Recomand! Motive: personal amabil,programarile se respecta,profesionalism,preturi ok ,site bine structurat.
I had three enjoyable, professionally executed visits.
Mara Enescu
Servicii foarte bune, cabinet curat si modern si medici foarte atenti. Recomand.
Fantastic experience with Dr Roxana at favorit dental clinic. They speak fluent English, were very friendly and went above and beyond to help me with complications and questions. I was very comfortable there. Definitely recommend for dental tourism, much cheaper for my wisdom tooth removal than in the UK. I will definitely be back next time I’m in Romania .<br /> Multumesc frumos!
Daniel Coulton Shaw
GCR Internationally accredited dental clinic – great choice for budget medical travellers due to the free accommodation located in the clinic, as well as the personal, warm care and access to highly specialized local dental surgeons.Multumesc frumos!
Iulia Boldan
Recomand aceasta locație. Dr. Roxana lucrează foarte bine
Lucian Sirbu
Recomand pe dr. Roxana, lucreaza foarte bine!