Edentation or the consequences of losing a tooth

Loss of a tooth is not a pleasant phenomenon and it is frequently and rightly associated with a disability by the human psyche. However, as for many people the loss of a tooth by extraction is a matter of major importance, there are also categories…

Bruxism, the pathology of modern society

With the technical-scientific progress and the migration of people to cities increasing the number of people per square meter, man is exposed to more and more stressors (stress-causing agents). High levels of these may lead to various changes in physical health (back pain, muscle spasms,…

Endodontic restoration

The endodontic restoration is the total resumption of endodontic treatment, starting with the removal of the coronary (or crown) filling, continuing with the removal of the root filling and aiming at the disinfection of the endodontic space and its subsequent reentry. The causes of failure…

Risks of postponing the dental implant

When we lose a tooth, we do not consider it a serious thing. However, the long-term consequences may be serious. Delaying the replacement of missing teeth can make treatment more complicated and expensive. The jaw bone enters a resorption process, the adjacent teeth begin to…

Dental faces

A beautiful tooth gives us a healthy and pleasant smile, making us more confident in our own person. What Are Dental Faces? Dental faces are thin sheets made entirely of ceramics. The principle that works is similar to that of the nail, applied over the…

How do we protect our patients from infection? Sterilization in the dental clinic

The high turnover of patients in a dental clinic increases the microbial load in its space. In addition, the use of rotating devices leads to the scattering of organic matter (dentin, saliva, blood) possibly contaminated with pathogenic germs. In the dental office we will meet…

What is inhalation sedation for dental procedures?

Inhalation is the most common and most popular method of patient relaxation used by dentists in the cabinet. This type of sedation aims at relaxing the patient before and during dental procedures using a mixture of oxygen and respiratory nitrous oxide (respiratory gas). The equipment…

Dental whitening – Easy to apply and with visible results

If you are unhappy with your smile (coloristically) or want a glowing smile at an event you are or would like to be the focus of, there are many procedures and methods of teeth whitening for aesthetic purposes. In dental practice for a long time…

Why dental scaler is important

Dentistry is a non-invasive dental procedure that removes the bacterial plaque and tear deposits from the teeth, leaving behind smooth, polished and clean surfaces. By faulty oral hygiene, the dental plaque can be turned into a denture deposit called teat. Tartar is formed over time…

First visit to the dentist

Prima vizită la stomatolog ar trebui să se întample după apariția primului dințișor, dar nu mai târziu de împlinirea vârstei de un an. Este o ocazie ca bebelușul să cunoască doctorul într-un mod prietenos, fără stress. Această vizită nu presupune vreun tratament. (more…)